Charles Campbell College
学校地址:[南澳大利亚州] Campbell Road, Paradise South Australia 5075
Charles Campbell College was opened in 2012, after an amalgamation of Campbelltown Primary School and Charles Campbell Secondary School. The College p
Charles Campbell College
学校地址:[南澳大利亚州] Campbell Road, Paradise South Australia 5075
Charles Campbell College was opened in 2012, after an amalgamation of Campbelltown Primary School and Charles Campbell Secondary School. The College p
Charles Campbell College was opened in 2012, after an amalgamation of Campbelltown Primary School and Charles Campbell Seco ndary School. The College provides a seamless and comprehensive education from Reception to Year 12. All Middle School students from Year 7 to 9 are ba sed on the old 'secondary' campus, and have wide access to specialist facilities and staff. The 'B Building' has become our 'Middle School' building, and will accommodate the vast majority of Home Group and core subject teaching rooms for students in years 7-9.
Why Charles Campbell College?
o Friendly and caring College community.
o Excellent academic and vocatio nal results for our students.
o Highly professional, skilled, and experienced staff.
o Opportunities for involvement in overseas Study Tours, Ski Trips, and extensive Outdoor Education experiences.
o Highly regarded selective entry performing arts program, and the highly skilled staff who also teach performing arts to our mainstream classes.
o A focus on effective support for students from Reception to Year 12.
o Supportive and collaborative student behaviour management policy and procedures, with high expectations of all parties.
o Accredited by 'Council of Internatio nal Schools' , with a strong and o ngoing program of short and long term Internatio nal students.
o Individual Learning Plans, and strong learning support, for students with learning difficulties & physical disabilities.
o A Vision Centre where students with full or partial vision impairment integrate in mainstream classes with the support of on-site staff from SASVI.
o A range of vocatio nal education and training opportunities, support for school ba sed apprenticeships and other trade training opportunities.
o Comprehensive academic curriculum in the Middle School, including compulsory LOTE until the end of year 9, and a full range of academic subjects offered in the Senior School.
Middle School Events and Opportunities
o Year 7 + 8 Welcome BBQ
o Camps at each Year Level
o Opportunities for student leadership and decision making
o Whole of College Sports Day
o Interschool sports, including SAPSASA for Year 7 students
o A range of Performing Arts opportunities, as both participant and / or audience member
o Instrumental music lessons
o Academic competitions, ie Maths and Science
o A range of Home Group ba sed pastoral care activities and excursions
Parental Involvement
The College encourages parents and caregivers to find ways to add value to their children's education by getting involved in the College community. Opportunities include:
o Governing Council - respo nsible for the development of whole of College directions and policies, in partnership with school staff.
o Parent representative on College committees, including Uniform, ICT and Canteen.
o Volunteering, ie Canteen, Fundraising, Sport, Resource Centre, Working Bees.
o Establish close working relatio nship and regular communication with HG teacher, ie mo nitoring attendance and lateness, diary, homework, activities and results.
o Participating in parent / student / teacher interviews, and attending all parent information evenings.
o Attending, and volunteering to be a panel member in Round Table assessments.
o Returning all forms, including feedback forms to help us to improve how we do things.
o Attend student performances, assemblies and sporting events.
Facilities at Charles Campbell College
o Spacious ovals of a high standard, currently shared with Norwood Football Club and various other community sporting groups.
o Gymnasium and R-6 Hall.
o Resource Centre and new R-6 Library.
o OSHC facility on the R-6 campus.
o Healthy Eating Canteen.
o Performing Arts Centre, including theatre, dance rooms, and a music centre.
o Trade School centre.
o State of the art media facilities, including new digital photography room.
o Visual Art rooms and resources.
o Extensive ICT facilities, including computer rooms, trolleys of laptops, interactive white-boards, and a cutting edge wireless network.
o Extensive Technology Studies Centre, with me talwork, woodwork, electronics, and automotive facilities.
o Extensive Science facilities.
o Home Eco nomics Kitchens and Sewing rooms.
10,500澳元/每年海外学生医疗保险 (一学年) 320澳元 学习材料押金(可退还) 500澳元 综合服务与管理费 (仅第一学年缴纳) 500澳元 年综合服务费 (后续年度) 300澳 接机费100澳元 家庭寄宿费(每周) 220澳元 寄宿家庭安置费200澳元 家庭寄宿管理费200澳元 寄宿家庭押金(可退还) 400澳元。
卓越的教育质量 查理斯坎贝尔中学一直以来致力于提供高质量的教育。该学校拥有来自各个领域的优秀教师和丰富的教育资源,为学生提供全面而深入的学术指导。此外,学校还注重培养学生的批判思维、动手实践能力和团队合作精神,使他们在各个领域都能有所突破。严格的学术要求 查理斯坎贝尔中学对学术要求非常严格。学校设有多个学术项目,如STEM项目、文科项目和艺术项目等,以满足学生不同的学术需求。
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