Churchlands Senior High School
学校地址:[西澳大利亚] 20 Lucca St,Churchlands,Western Australia 6018
Churchlands Senior High School is located in the Western suburbs, ten minutes from the city centre and minutes from the stunning Perth coastline. This
Churchlands Senior High School
学校地址:[西澳大利亚] 20 Lucca St,Churchlands,Western Australia 6018
Churchlands Senior High School is located in the Western suburbs, ten minutes from the city centre and minutes from the stunning Perth coastline. This
Churchlands Senior High School is located in the Western suburbs, ten minutes from the city centre and minutes from the stunning Perth coastline. This location, together with proximity to the Herdsman Lake wetlands provides a rich learning enviro nment for our students. The schools extensive grounds, bright modern architecture and state of the art facilities combine to create a highly desirable education setting.
Churchlands Senior High School has built an outstanding reputation since its foundation in 1962. Our tradition of student excellence in academic, sporting and cultural fields is without peer in the public system and places the school competitively against Western Australia's leading private schools.
Churchlands Senior High School is Western Australia's leading selective music school providing specialist tuition to the state's Gifted and Talented young musicians.
Many of our students aspire to University entrance and the professio nal occupations. In pursuing their goals, students share the same learning journey taken by our Beazley Medallists, Rhode Scholars and Subject and General Exhibition winners. Many of our students go on to become leaders in their chosen field and in the community.
Churchlands offers a learning culture ba sed on shared practice in instructio nal strategies aimed at promoting excellence, shared values and the attributes of citizenship in an ordered and disciplined environment. Acknowledging a global and technologically advanced society, Churchlands students are encouraged to "Aim High" as they prepare to meet the challenges of adulthood in this new world.
Policy statement
The Curriculum Council recognises that individual students, under circumstances outlined in this policy docu ment, may need special external assessment arrangements to allow them to demo nstrate their knowledge, skills and understandings within certain subjects/courses. The underlying principle of special provisions is to ensure that the most appropriate, fair and reaso nable arrangements and options are available for students to demo nstrate their capabilities where their external assessment is affected by illness, impairment or perso nal circumstances.
Students who are eligible for special provisions are not exempt from meeting the requirements for a Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), or from being assessed in a course.
In co nsidering the eligibility for special provisions, the Curriculum Council is mindful of the need to balance the competing demands of allowing students to demo nstrate their knowledge, skills and understandings with the need to preserve the academic integrity of the assessment process.
Relevant legislation
Curriculum Council Act (1977) Part 3 12 (2) (d) (i) and (ii)
It is a function of the Council to establish and carry into effect procedures for assessment of achievement of students undertaking senior seco ndary schooling, and the proper co nduct of that assessment, including school and external assessment for the purposes of certification; and ensuring the comparability of assessments of student achievement.
This policy is established in accordance with the provisions of the Commo nwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 as amended in 2005 and the associated Disability Standards for Education 2005.
The principles that underpin this policy are:
1.Candidates whose capacity to participate in a timed assessment is adversely affected in a significant way by illness, impairment or perso nal circumstances may be eligible to access appropriate, fair and reaso nable alternative arrangements.
2.All WACE candidates undertake assessment under comparable conditions. Any special provision must provide equivalent, alternative arrangements for students.
3.The same knowledge, understandings and skill requirements, and performance standards are applied to all students whether or not they are granted special provisions.
4.Special provisions do not co nfer an advantage to any candidate over other candidates.
5.Decisions a bout a candidate's eligibility to be granted special provisions will be evidence-ba sed and made by a committee co nvened for the purpose.
Types of special provisions
There are two types of special provisions for the external examinations:
Special examination arrangements
Sickness/misadventure provisions.
Specific eligibility criteria apply for each form of special provision.
教学质量 致力于提供高质量的教育,以确保每个学生都能得到最佳的学术支持。学校引进了一系列先进的教学方法和课程,包括个性化辅导、小班授课和丰富多样的选修课程,这些措施有效地提高了学生的学业水平。
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