


The barton Senior College

学校地址:40 Ashley Street,Torrensville,South Australia 5031

Thebarton is a place where your teachers want to work with you and students want to pursue their education. We have a strong com...



  • 学校类型:公立
  • 学校等级:B
  • 建校年份:1988
  • 在校学生:3000
  • 国际生比:23%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:7000-10000澳元
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


I believe we have the best learning community in Australia. The College was established as a specialist senior seco ndary College by the SA government in 1991. Our teachers understand that you expect some independence in your learning and have designed courses that are relevant to your busy lives. All senior seco ndary students are welcomed into our community.

Thebarton is a place where your teachers want to work with you and students want to pursue their education. We have a strong commitment to excellence, which is reflected in the outstanding academic results achieved by students from the College in recent years.

The teaching and learning atmosphere at Thebarton is cooperative and generally informal. This is just the atmosphere to help you to achieve your goals whether they be co ntinuing to tertiary education or finding work.

We are a bout to commence enrolment in our Semester 2, 2012 programs. I would urge prospective students to co ntact the College without delay to arrange an enrolment appointment. Our counsellors can help you to find a course of study to prepare you for the education or training that best suits your chosen career pathway. Co ntact and appointments can easily be made by completing the form in "Enrol Now" using the l ink on the side of this page.

The College has a strong values ba se and we proudly fly the United Nations flag alo ngside the Australian flag at the front of the school. This is because we are a United Nations School for Global Peace and actively teach peace-building and community respo nsibility in our curriculum. We also provide a range of support services for our students that are unique to our community.


You may use the gym during breaks when staff are available to supervise.

The time table, detailing gym availability and activities offered, is posted on the student noticeboard. The gym is also used by students in Physical Education classes.


The Library is available for individual research or private study every day and on Tuesday and Wednesday nights until approximately 6.30 pm.

Staff are available to help you with:

reference queries

use of the catalogue (OPAC)

location of resources

selection of appropriate resources

using the computers and other technology

You can use a wide range of resources for reference and borrowing including print materials (books, periodicals, vertical file information and newspapers).

You can also use the information and communications technology (CD-ROM, on-line databa ses, the Internet and videos).

You borrow the textbooks needed for various subjects each semester (or year) from Textbook Services within the Library.

Computing Resources

Computers and Internet access are provided at Thebarton to help you with your learning. You can use computers when working in a class or for doing your own College work or study. You can work in any room that is open and has a spare computer. You are given a set amount of time allocated for Internet use. This should be enough for normal study purposes. You can pay extra mo ney if you use the Internet more. You are also allocated an amount of paper for each subject you are enrolled in. Additio nal internet time and printing can be purchased at the office.

Study Centre

We encourage you to use the Study Centre (located in the area between the Library and the Science building) to work individually or in small groups during your free lessons.

You can also get help with assignments from the teachers on duty. This help could be subject-ba sed or they can help with your written language. Teachers from a wide variety of subjects will be available at various times during the week or you can make appointments to work with your own subject teachers in the Study Centre.

Nearby Child Care Centres are:

Torrensville Community Child Care Centre at 80-84 East Street, Torrensville, at the rear of the College campus

Hatwell Memorial Kindergarten and Playgroup at 93a Ashley Street, Torrensville, west from the College, adjacent to the Torrensville Primary School grounds

The nearest primary school to the College is the Torrensville Primary School. Other primary schools are Flinders Park (Holbrooks Road), Allenby Gardens (Barham Street), Brompton (actually in Renown Park) and Cowandilla (Jenkins Street).

Swimming Pool

The College pool is leased to the Henley and Grange Swimming Club and students may use it at discounted prices. Ask at the Swimming Centre.











开设课程 除公共基础课外,主要课程有:传播学,媒介素养、艺术概论、媒体创意导论、视听语言、编导基础、新媒体概论、新媒体艺术、创意思维方法、传媒市场调查与企划、广播电视创意与策划、广播电视栏目策划、广播电视节目制作、经典杂志解读、网页设计与制作、 非线性编辑 、图形创意、视觉传达设计、电脑图文创意、数码特效合成、流媒体设计与制作、数字媒体技术与应用等。






  • 美国
  • 英国
  • 澳洲
  • 加拿大
  • 新西兰
  • 日本
  • 韩国
  • 中国香港
  • 新加坡
  • 马来西亚
  • 泰国
  • 其他地区
  • 小学及以下
  • 初中
  • 高中
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 研究生及以上
  • 随时
  • 6点-9点
  • 9点-12点
  • 12点-16点
  • 16点-18点
  • 22点以后
  • 其它