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16 : 08












1. abandon——v. give up completely

2. abate——v. lessen

3. abject——adj. completely without pride or dignity

4. aberration——n. deviation from the norm

5. abjure——v. renounce a belief,cause,or claim

6. abnegation——n. renounce or reject something

7. abrogate——v. do away with (a law,right,or responsibility.

8. abscond——v. flee

9. abstruse——adj. dense or obscure

10. abysmal——adj. terrible

11. accede——v. agree to a demand

12. acumen——n. ability to make good judgments

13. adamant——adj. stubborn

14. adapt——v. modify

15. admonish——v. reprimand someone

16. affluent——adj. wealthy

17. alacrity——n. brisk eagerness

18. ambivalence——n. state of uncertainty

19. antipathy——n. strong dislike

20. antiseptic——adj. clean or pure

21. assertion——n. statement

22. assiduous——adj. showing great care

23. beguile——v. charm or enchant

24. berate——v. scold or criticize

25. bereft——adj. deprived or lacking

26. blandishment——n. a flattering statement used to persuade someone

27. bias——n. prejudice

28. bombastic——adj. inflated

29. bovine——adj. cow-like

30. braggart——n. someone who boasts

31. brevity——n. concise

32. cacophony——n. a discordant mixture of sounds

33. cajole——v. persuade someone via flattery

34. callous——adj. cruel disregard for others

35. calumny——n. slander

36. camaraderie——n. friendship

37. candid——adj. truthful

38. candor——n. quality of being honest

39. carouse——v. drink and party in a lively way

40. carp——v. complain about trivial matters

41. cavort——v. dance around excitedly

42. censorious——adj. critical of others

43. circumlocution——n. using many words,particularly in an evasive way

44. circumscribe——v. restrict within limits

45. clamor——n. a loud and confused noise

46. clout——n. influence or power

47. cognizant——adj. having knowledge of

48. commensurate——adj. equal to

49. comparable——adj. similar to another thing

50. complement——v. add to or make complete

51. compunction——n. a feeling of guilt

52. concomitant——adj. naturally accompanying

53. conduit——n. a vessel or channel for transporting something

54. conflagration——n. a large fire

55. connive——v. trick; conspire

56. consign——v. assign or deliver something into someone else’s custody

57. constituent——adj. being part of a whole

58. construe——v. interpret

59. contend——v. reckon with; struggle against

60. contusion——n. a bruise

61. contrite——adj. feeling of remorse or guilt

62. contentious——adj. likely to cause an argument

63. contravene– adj. violate the order of; conflict

64. convivial——adj. friendly and cheerful environment

65. corpulence——n. obesity; fatness

66. covet——v. want greatly

67. cupidity——n. greed for money

68. dearth——n. a lack of something

69. debacle——n. a fiasco or failure

70. debauch——v. ruin or debase,particularly in a moral sense

71. defunct——adj. no longer working

72. demagogue——n. a political leader who appeals to the prejudices of the common people

73. demur——v. show reluctance; raise objections

74. denigrate——v. disparage

75. despot——n. a tyrant

76. diaphanous——adj. light and translucent

77. dirge——n. song of lament for the dead

78. discomfit——v. make someone uncomfortable

79. disparate——adj. different from one another

80. disrepute——n. state of disgrace

81. duplicity——n. deceitfulness

82. duress——n. intimidation or coercion to force someone to perform an act

83. eclectic——adj. wide-ranging

84. edict——n. an official order

85. ebullient——adj. cheerful and lively

86. effluvia——n. unpleasant odor

87. egregious——adj. outstandingly bad

88. elegy——n. a poem of reflection,typically a lament for the dead

89. elicit——v. evoke or draw out

90. eloquent——adj. well-spoken

91. elude ——v. escape one’s grasp

92. emollient——adj. soothing

93. empirical——adj. based on (as evidence.

94. emulate——v. imitate

95. enervate——v. weaken; drain of energy

96. engender——v. bring about

97. ephemeral——adj. short-lived

98. equanimity——n. mental calmness

99. equivocal——adj. Ambiguous

100. evanescent——adj. fading quickly from sight


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