无论IGCSE还是A-level,经济课程主要存在以下几大难点:课程内容量大,知识点琐碎;涉及到数学应用的内容;大量的 essay写作。其中最令学生感到头疼的当属棘手的essay写作任务,如何写出一份让考官拍案叫绝的优秀essay,是每一个IG和A-level经济学生都在苦苦思索的问题。
Distinguish between the domestic and external consequences of inflation and discuss which is most damaging to an economy (12)
Inflation means a sustained increase in the general price level of an economy over a period of time, it has both domestic and external damages to an economy. Domestic damages affect the operation of a local economy, while external damages affect international transactions between local and foreign economies.
A:逻辑分析——Analysis & A: 论据或案例——Application
Internal consequences include the impact on savings and investment, the re-distribution of income, menu costs and shoe-leather costs.
Firstly, inflation will reduce the purchasing power. Some people may
gain and some people may lose as a result of inflation. For example, if the rate of interest does not rise in line with inflation, borrowers will gain and lenders (savers) will lose. This is because borrowers will pay back less in real terms
and lenders will receive less. As a result, there will be a redistribution of income.
Inflation can also discourage investors from entering a market or making further investment due to the unpredictability and risks associated with inflation. Investors may wait and see or not invest at all, resulting in a fall in aggregate demand and output level in the economy.
Moreover, inflation will cause an increase of the shoe-leather and menu costs for producers. Shoe-leather cost refers to the amount of time , money and resources spent on seeking alternative suppliers or bargaining for lower prices of goods. Menu cost refers to the cost involved in changing prices. For example, catalogs, price tags, bar codes and advertisements have to be changed. This involves staff time and is unpopular with customers.
External consequences include the impact on trade and the exchange rate and international investment flows.
Inflation will make exports less competitive in international markets since the price of domestic goods will be higher. Consumers in the domestic economy may find imports of the same good to be cheaper. As a result, there will be an increase in import expenditure and a fall in export revenue.
Inflation can thus be likely to lead to a rise in the current account deficit, which occurs when the value of goods imported exceeds the value of goods exported. With persistent and growing current account deficit, the exchange rate will depreciate and the domestic currency will be worth less than before the inflation.
要注意,在阐述每个论点的段落里,Analysis和Application是同时存在且相辅相成的,甚至也可以加入一些key terms的阐释也就是Knowledge。
It is difficult to determine whether domestic or external consequences of inflation can be most damaging to an economy. If an economy heavily engages in trade, then external consequences will damage the economy more,otherwise, internal consequences will be more damaging.
Another factor is the exchange rate system adopted by an economy. Under a fixed exchange rate system, inflation will directly affect the export competitiveness of an economy. Under a floating exchange rate system, on the other hand, the exchange rate can depreciate and reduce the effects of inflation on export prices.
除此以外呢,常见的evaluation点包括:Long term VS Short term (长短期),Pros & Cons (优缺点) 以及 G priorities (政府的优先级)....
In conclusion, both domestic and external consequences can be damaging to an economy. The extent of the consequences can differ from one economy to another, and is influenced by the openness to international trade and the type of exchange rate system.
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