在 SAT 考试中,文法部分 (Writing and Language Test)占到了整个语文部分的半壁江山。Writing and Language Test分为两个大类:1.Standard English Conventions. 2.expression of Ideas下面详细介绍了新SAT文法的考点,同学们可以作为参考。
1. Standard English Conventions
1.1 Sentence structure
•Sentence boundaries
•Subordination(although / because) and coordination (and / but)
•Parallel structure
•Modifier placement
•Inaccurate shifts in verb tense, mood, voice, pronoun person and number
1.2 Conventions of Usages
•Pronoun clarity (antecedent)
•Frequently confused words (affect / effect)
•Logical comparison
•Conventional expression
1.3 Conventions of Punctuation
•End-of-sentence punctuation
•Within-sentence punctuation
•Possessive nouns and pronouns
•Itemsin a series
•Nonrestrictive and parenthetical elements
•Unnecessary punctuation
2. expression of Ideas
2.1 Development
•Proposition(thesis statement, topic sentence, claims, etc.)
•Quantitative information (data)
2.2 Organization
•Logical sequence
2.3 Effective Language Use
•Precision(word choice)
•Style and tone
【微语】你在远方追逐梦想的脚步, 是我心中最美的风景, 愿你学有所成, 不负韶华!
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