专业名称: Soun Design MSc
Programme escription :
This programme is targete at iniviuals intereste in exploring the omain of soun in the wier context of new meia theory an technology. It is strongly interisciplinary an course content ranges from the stuy of film soun to interactive auio esign,soun installation an web esign. This programme will provie you with knowlege,skill an unerstaning in a range of soun esign situations both commercial an experimental. Grauates of the programme will be arme with professional,practical,analytical an critical skills to take into soun-relate inustries or on towars further acaemic stuy such as a PhD. The Rei Stuio is our new surroun-soun mixing an prouction stuio,an our Russolo Room offers inustry-stanar recoring equipment an software. Our Soun Lab,which hosts a number of fully equippe workstations,is available for your use.
Stuents who follow this programme will:
- evelop specific knowlege an obtain a broaly base founation in soun esign technologies
- explore the use of existing computer-aie soun esign techniques in a creative way
- be able to analyse an critically think about soun an its role in a wier creative arts environment
- evelop unerstaning of the scope an limitations of computer applications in soun esign
- engage in cross-isciplinary collaboration in the context of auiovisual practice
- iscover new creative uses of avance technologies
- foster the ability to work cooperatively in groups in the context of esign
- evelop an unerstaning of the potential for new technologies
English language requirements :
IELTS : total 6.5 (at least 6.0 in each moule)
Programme fees : £22,600
Compulsory courses
![][2] 声音设计媒体 数字媒体工作室项目 音乐大师决赛
Course options
![][3] 声波结构 声学
![][4] 媒体与文化 银幕上的音乐 社区艺术实践导论:模式、方法与意义
![][5] 交互式声音环境 声音和固定媒体 非实时系统
免费报考指南课程/定制考试计划/留学教材/核心内部资料 一键领取