●以下课程请务必在1月15*号之前递交申请:CSM BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Design Menswear *CSM BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Design Womenswear *CSM BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Design with Knitwear *CSM BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Design with Marketing *CSM BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Print *CSM BA (Hons) Fashion Communication: Fashion History an Theory *CSM BA (Hons) Fashion Communication: Fashion Journalism *CSM BA (Hons) Fashion Communication: Fashion Communication an Promotion *CSM BA (Hons) Jewellery Design
●以下课程请务必在1月25*号之前递交申请:*CSM MA Inustrial Design●以下课程请务必在1月31号之前递交申请:
- CCW Founation Diploma in Art an Design
- CSM Founation Diploma in Art an Design
- LCF International Preparation for Fashion (Cert HE) *LCF International: Introuction to the Stuy of Fashion 同学们必须要在截止日期之前递交申请才能确保学校正常审理学生的申请。
免费报考指南课程/定制考试计划/留学教材/核心内部资料 一键领取