马里兰大学帕克分校简称 UMD或UMCP,世界知名学府,美国著名公立研究型大学。作为一所一流研究型大学,曾经孕育出6名诺贝尔奖获得者、7名普利策奖获得者、49位国家科学院院士和数十位福布莱特学者。马里兰大学为美国最优秀10所公立大学成员之一,同时也是美国中西部知名的十大联盟(The Big Ten Conference)成员校之一。
学校简介:马里兰大学帕克分校简称 UMD或UMCP,世界知名学府,美国著名公立研究型大学。作为一所一流研究型大学,曾经孕育出6名诺贝尔奖获得者、7名普利策奖获得者、49位国家科学院院士和数十位福布莱特学者。马里兰大学为美国最优秀10所公立大学成员之一,同时也是美国中西部知名的十大联盟(The Big Ten Conference)成员校之一。马里兰大学被誉为”公立常春藤“(Public Ivy)大学,同时也是世界一流大学象征的北美大学协会61个成员之一(Association of American Universities,AAU)。
马里兰大学因其卓越的教学及研究实力而享有声誉,学校有31项专业名列全美前10名,61项专业名列全美前15名,90项专业名列全美前25名尤,其以犯罪学(全美第一),商学与经济学专业而著名(ARWU 2015 Economics/Business 世界排名第23)。马里兰大学下设13个学院,其科研及教研水平在全美均处于领先地位,并且与美国的其它名校,如加州大学伯克利分校、加州大学洛杉矶分校、密歇根安娜堡和伊利诺大学等都有合作教学的计划。
学 院:The Robert H. Smith School of Business
学 位: Business Analytics(STEM项目)
学 制:1-2 years
学 费:$65247Total (3 0个学分 )每年会有微小浮动
专业介绍:The MS in Business Analytics at the University of Marylan’s Robert H. Smith School of Business elves into unerstaning Big Data an using it to the avantage of your business. One of the best programs in the Washington,D.C.,area,the MSBA covers cyber security,information systems,supply chain an transportation,social meia an web analytics,forecasting,an quantitative analysis,among other topics.
Strong partnerships with companies such as Deloitte,KPMG an Unilever provie a real-worl basis for classroom learning. Stuents will emerge from the program with newfoun competencies in programming languages to implement their ata finings,incluing Python,R an SQL. Connect toay to learn more about the MS in Business Analytics,an how it can supercharge your career.
Complete your stuies in one or two years just outsie the capital of the Unite States,Washington,D.C. – ranke one of the best places to live in America by U.S. News & Worl Report in 2017.
Specifically,the MSBA program offere by the Robert H. Smith School of Business provies stuents with:
comprehensive training in founations an methoology of quantitative managerial analysis;
comprehensive training in ata analysis anyes’;font-family:微软雅黑;letter-spacing:0.0000pt;font-weight:normal;text-transform:none;font-style:normal;font-size:10.5000pt;mso-font-kerning:0.0000pt;backgroun:rgb(255,255,255);mso-shaing:rgb(255,255,255);” >
an in-epth training on methos an tools of contemporary ata analytics an big ata;
strong backgroun on spreasheet base moeling an optimization funamentals an techniques;
goo unerstaning of moern computational ata analysis techniques such as ata mining,Monte Carlo an iscrete event simulation,an network analytics;
strong hans-on training in ata hanling an ata base management;
mastery of the contemporary software use for managerial quantitative an ata analysis incluing web base software an tools.
1.学士学位及成绩单(定量背景Strong quantitative backgroun,GPA3.5+)
4.Vieo response
语言豁免:英语为官方语言的国家取得 4年或更高的学位
先修科要求:申请人应在本科阶段修习数学和 /或统计学,并准备接受高级统计学培训。对于那些数学背景有限的学生,学校在夏季开设了一门数学课程,与核心课程同时开设。
免费报考指南课程/定制考试计划/留学教材/核心内部资料 一键领取